Is there a God ? Who is God ? Is God a person ? Male or female ? Is he a man with the white beard and white hair ? What is actually God ? Where is God ? These are some of the basic questions that everyone asks.
Every great religion of this world has tried to define and portray God according to it's own appropriate beliefs and customs. Every great religion of this world has given the hope, the peace, the stability and the faith that this physical world needed. They were the source of wisdom, love and humanity. Without hope this physical reality would have been chaos. Even though sometimes religions were the causes of war and misery, they have done more good than bad to this world.
The truth is simple. God exists ! God is love. God is within us all. God looks like the image we imagine God to look like. Whatever we imagine God to look is always right. It's not the image or the representation but the belief that matters, and as long as this representation or symbol helps us to strengthen and invoke our belief system. Which is God is LOVE.
God is the most powerful and the ultimate energy flowing in this universe. It exists in us and everywhere. This is the energy that connects everything in this universal existence. Every single thing in the whole universe at the level much deeper than the atom is interconnected by this energy. This energy is pure love.
In fact, science proves that we and everything 'living' and 'non-living' in this universe are energy and made of energy. However we will not be discussing here the latest theories on quantum physics.
We can now understand why for generations the great religions of this world stress the importance of love. Forget all the complicated explanation about God. God is simple and pure. Simple to be understood by everything, 'living' and 'non -living things'. God is simply LOVE, positive energy, an energy without any hate.
It doesn't matter whether you are literate or illiterate, rich or poor, young or old, of a certain race or another, of this world or from another planet, a stone or a tree, a dog or a fish.... everyone and everything is able to understand and feel God. God is accessible to everyone and everything for free. Because God is simple and pure 'love' energy.
God belongs to all. God exceeds religion. No religion can claim 100 % monopoly over God. Religions were created to be the path to God. It doesn't matter which religion as long as LOVE is the fundamental principle.
It is important to know that God is not cruel. God doesn't punish, God doesn't dictate or throw you to hell or condemns you to eternal doom etc., God is the only and the most powerful force in the whole universe - which is pure love.
This is the force that keeps the atoms, molecules, matter, planets, galaxies and the whole universe in place and in harmony.
Believe it or not this force or energy is free. Believe it or not anyone is free to use this most powerful energy.
We can perform miracles, heal ourselves or others, be anything we wish or do anything we want. The very ONLY thing that we need to do is to tap into this free endless energy. We have been given this extraordinary gift. Everyone without exception has been given this gift. It's indeed true "God loves us". The most exciting thing about this is the fact that this energy is within us and everywhere around us. We don't need to travel anywhere, be someone, learn something, perform special acts, memorize some words, etc., to use this energy.
That's why God is simple and pure. There are no special requirements, or string attached to use this energy. Everything depends on us. It's our choice whether we want to use the energy or not. We decide our fate because we are made to be free and have a free will.
So, how can we use this energy ? or let's say how can we communicate with this energy ? or let's formulate the sentence in a recognized way: How can we communicate with God ? Simple.
For generations the most common way of communicating with God was and still is through prayer or meditation. It doesn't matter which religion or faith, in some case prayers are "heard and answered" and in some cases not. Like mentioned above, the fact is that whether you are a Buddhist, Christian, Moslem, Hindu, Jewish etc., God will hear your prayer. The second fact is that it doesn't matter which religion not all prayers are answered.
So, why are sometimes prayers answered and sometimes not ? Let's formulate it differently: Why are we not able to tap into the ultimate energy that is within us and everywhere in this universe ? The answer is simple. We are not in harmony with the vibrations of that ultimate energy (Love). Like a radio wave, our frequency needs to be synchronized in order to communicate with it. Do not forget we are energy and made of energy. Prayer or meditation are just tools that enables us to tune our energy vibrations or frequencies to the frequencies we would like to tune to.
To make it simple, to communicate with God, the frequency of our energy vibration should match to that energy vibration of love (God). It is as simple as that.
The "YOU Book - Communicating with God" discusses the steps on how to communicate with God.
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