YOU Book - Communicating with God
As mentioned on the previous articles, God is nothing else but a ultimate pure energy that binds the whole infinite universe (existence) and everything on it. Absolutely everything "living" and "non-living" in the universe at the very lowest level (much deeper than the atoms) is interconnected by this pure energy. Whether we like it or not God is in us, around us and everywhere you can imagine. Because everything exists because of this. We can say we are made of God. It's even mentioned in the great scriptures ..."we are created in the image of God".
So, what's this energy ? or let's formulate the question differently, What's God ? or should we say Who is God ? God is pure 'LOVE' energy so strong and so pure and so simple. The very simplest form of existence. The very beginning of everything. The very beginning of existence. So simple that it can be understood by everything, so pure that it can't be corrupted by anything, so strong that the whole infinite universe is bound by it. That's why tapping into this energy is so simple that even a one day old 'child' is capable of tapping into it. That's why we see in the great scriptures of this world references to children being of pure hearts. It is so simple that it's even mentioned "... I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it..."(10:13–16).
To be able to understand and communicate with God is so simple that nobody has an excuse not to do it. The only thing we need is our free will to do it. This energy is like river flowing in front of our house. We have the freedom to tap water from it or just step over it every day and get on with our daily lives. The choice is ours. We can choose to see it or ignore it. That's the beauty of it. That's what makes it perfect. We have the freedom, no rules, no laws, no guilt feelings. We can choose to explore it or ignore it. That's why it's said "God loves us unconditionally". Whether we love him or not. Whether we are evil or not. Whether we are from this religion or that religion. Whether we are from this ethnic group or that. Whether we are from this sex or the other sex. Whether we are from this planet or not. "We are all his creatures .." or let's say we are all made of this energy which is flowing through us and around us. In fact we are swimming on it. The whole infinite universe is swimming in it or let's say is engulfed by it. With the advancement of Quantum Mechanics more and more evidence is emerging that energy and matter are interchangeable. That matter itself is an energy.That everything at subatomic level is energy. We, the air we breath in, the vacuum in space, the planets, the oceans, animals, plants and everything in this infinite universe at subatomic level is energy. That energy is God. That's why God is the very beginning, the very simplest/pure form and the strongest and ultimate energy force. Scientifically, it means that the very building block (at the subatomic level) of everything in the universe is the same. Secondly, this building block is in it's simplest or pure form (it's not a compound element). Thirdly, this building block which is the beginning of all and which is let's say 'x' times smaller than the atom, is the most strongest force in the universe. Science has proven that the deeper we go to the subatomic level, the stronger the intermolecular forces get. That's why for example nuclear bomb is much stronger than atomic bomb. Imagine therefore if we ever manage to discover the entity (atom, element or call it whatever you want) which is the very beginning of everything in this universe, how unimaginable that force would be.
Therefore, one can imagine what it is to tap into this infinitely powerful energy. Imagine what you can do with this energy. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING! You could be whatever you want to be. You could heal all the sick including yourself. You can change reality. You can perform miracles. You can bring peace to this world and the universe...etc., etc., etc.,. Therefore, communicating with God is in fact tapping into this unlimate powerful energy.
As it has been described above, this infinite powerful energy what we call God is in fact "Love" energy. In fact we could say that God is LOVE. That's simple as that. Love like all kinds of energy is made of vibrations. In order to utilize this energy one has to tune to the frequency of this vibration. Just like any radio station one has to tune in to the frequency of the station one wants to listen to. Therefore, in order to communicate with God we should tune in to the correct frequency namely the frequency of Love.
So, how can I tune in to the frequency of Love ? one might ask. There are several ways on how we can tune to the correct frequency in order to communicate with God. The great religions of this world have developed through time ways of achieving this, namely through mediation, prayer etc., A lot's of miracles have been and are being achieved using those tools to communicate with God or to tap in to this infinite energy. Sometimes however no all prayers are heard or answered because of the techniques used to tune in to the correct frequency. In order to tap into this energy or in order to communicate with God, only three important steps are needed like a radio:
- Phase 1: Switch On
- Phase 2 : Tune to channel
- Phase 3 : Communicate
Phase 1: Switch On
In order to find, one must know what to search. It is important that we ask ourselfves first, if we really want to communicate with God or tap in to this energy. What are our motivations ? Why should I want to tap into this infinite energy ? Just for fun ? or do I really want to discover the mistries of life ? Do I want to heal myself or other people ? Do I want to have one billion dollars ? Do I want to know more about God or this energy? Do I want to be succesful in something ? Do I want to see the future or the past? Do I want to improve my life ? To be happy in this life? To be thankful and grateful ? ... What are my motivations ? Do I really really have to do this ?
Whatever your motivation it is important that you know it and you want to communicate with God. We have to "Switch On" ourselves for this adventure. We should be wanting to do it. Only by really wanting to do it are we able to switch ourselves on. The reason for this is that, to be able to switch on our selves, the ME (the real us, our conciousness), our Brain (interface between us and our body) and our Body (read the article on who are we) need to be on the same "state". This means that firstly we should want to communicate (convinced), secondly the mechanics of our brain should be focusing and concentrating on this task only (the brain should give this task a priority) and thirdly, our body should be ready and prepared for this task. Meaning that our body should be in a very relaxed position (whatever position makes you relaxed), peaceful surronding (no distraction), and comfortable (loose cloth etc.,). Once our Soul (ME), our Brain and our Body are one and in harmony (same state) we are in the "Switch On" phase.
We can understand why the great religions of this world have built temples, churchs, mosques, synogogs, monastries etc.,.
These are the obvious places were one can naturally swicth on for communication. They are quite peaceful places with no distractions and helping the soul, brain and body to be one and concentrate and focus on something much higher together as one. Thus achieving the Switch On state. It is important to understand that one doesn't have to go to those places to achieve this phase. Any place for example the bedroom, the beautiful deserted beach or the forest or even the bus station can used. What's important is where do you feel relaxed and comfortable. You and only you should know this.
Phase 2 : Tune to Channel
Like a radio station, we need to tune to the frequency of this ultimate energy in order to communicate with it and utilize it. The concept is this simple. This energy is nothing but pure unconditional love. Like all other energy forms this energy has it's own frequency. As we are ourselves made of this energy, we need only to look deep into ourselves to find out the frequency of this energy. We need to focus into the inner us or the ME (the real us, soul, concouseness). Let's say it in a familier way: "we need to look into our soul". Let's take a look into ourselves (our real selves - the ME, soul or conciouseness) in order to try to find the frequency of this energy which is within us. If you would like to know more about "who we really are" (the ME, Brain and Body - please refer to previouse articles on "who we are").
We are in fact three entities in one. However the real us (the ME), or let's say call it "our soul" (which can never be destroyed and which exists forever) is the one we need to look into. Neither our Body nor the Brain stays forever. The Body and the Brain are just a vehicle and interface for the real us (the ME) to interact with this temporary reality. We will leave them here as soon as they have done their job. We will not able to take them with us because we will not need them and we will not be able to use them in the other realities.
The inifinite love energy which is called God is also within us. Because the ME is also part of this energy and everything else is also part of this energy. Each of us including the whole universe is interconnected through this energy. Therefore in order to tune or communicate with this energy what we need is only to look into our soul (the ME). Once we start searching for the frequency within us, it won't take us long to find it. Beacuse it has always been waiting there to be found. That's as simple as that. Like the great scriptures say: God is within us, we have been created in his image and most of all, the truth is nowhere but within us.
Once we start searching and found the frequency, it's very easy to tune to it. The following techniques and methods should be used for searching and tuning to the frequency of God.
A - Techniques for searching the frequency of God:
As mentioned above, the only place we can start our search for the frequency of God is, within us. Do not waste your time looking somewhere else apart from your own soul or (the ME).
The search begins with the following:
Prologue: Ensure you are absolutly in Phase 1 - Switch On state
Step 1: Begin the journey into yourself
This process begins by facing yourself honestly. Open up to yourself. The objective here is to travel to your soul (the ME). Face all your guilts ? Why do you feel guilty ? have an open "discussion" with yourself. Travel inside you and explore all "bad" feelings you have and bring them up and disect them. Do you hate someone ? Why ? Have you ever planned or are you planning of commiting an evil deed to someone something etc., Ask yourself in an ideal world what kind of person would you like to be ? I mean inside not in terms of wealth, health etc. (which are more related to the Body and Brain instead of the ME). The idea here is in fact you are traving deeper into yourself (the ME, or soul) the moment you start facing yourself, or let's say tearing , disecting, drilling up or analysing yourself. The moment you start facing your guilts, sins, ego, selfish self and start understanding your negative sides, you are cleaning up the path for your voyage from all the blocking obstacles. Be logical towards yourself. Ask yourself why? and give an answer? The more honest you are with yourself the more nearer you reach into your soul (the ME). Don't worry, you might feel emotional at this moment and if you do, you are on the right track. Once you have started facing yourself honestly and opened up yourself by accepting your mistakes, greed, sins and all your negative sides it's time to move ito the second step. This step is also used by many of the great religions of this world. For example being humble, confessions, etc;, helps in clearing the path towards the soul (the ME).
Step 2: Make peace with yourself (the ME)
Once you have faced yourself and put your inside out, you will be in a state where you don't have anything else to hide. You will feel naked. You will feel exposed but excellent. It is at this on this step that you will start to forgive yourself. Start forgiving for all the "negative" things you have done. Start forgiving yourselfs for all your sins. Start forgiving yourself for not being so kind and humble. Start forgiving yourself for all your guilt. This should be done with an honest heart. It should come from the bottom of your heart. You should if necessary weep like a child. Because you are very sorry and you forgive yourself.
Here what we are trying to do is to REMOVE all the obstacles (negative frequencies) that where exposed during step one in our quest to find the frequency of God. It is important that we remove them completly. This can only be done by feeling sorry and forgiving yourself TRULY. That's the only way!
It doesn't matter whatever your sins, guilt etc., are or how big they are, you should be sorry and forgive yourself. This is a must. As long as those frequencies are interfering your search for the correct frequency of God will be blocked. As long as you are not in peace with yourself (the ME), the ME will not be able to show to you. It's simple as that. Your soul (the ME) is only reachable if you are at peace with it. Once you are at peace with your own soul (the ME), you became one with it. Meaning you will know yourself, you become your true self (the ME). You heart will become pure. Without any hate, guilt or negative emotions or energy. This can only be done by forgiving the unforgivable things you have done and being really sorry form your heart.
You will know when you have reached this state. Most of the time you will feel a big relief. You will have peace. You will be very emotional and happy. You will feel as if a huge big weight has been liften from your shoulders. At this stage, as all the obstacles and interfering frequencies are "removed", the untimate infinite energy is almost "visible" to you. That means you are ready to move to the next and final step.
Step 3: Make peace with the infinite energy (God)
With step 1 and 2 we were able to travel deep into our soul (the ME). It is important to remember that God is within us. The infinite energy that binds our soul (the ME) with the rest of the univese is within us. Once we reach our soul (the ME) we will be able to tap into it. Please don't forget it's our soul which is the door to heaven. Heaven is the kingdom of God and Kingdom of God is the infinite love energy which is flowing within us. As the great scriptures say "The kingdom of God is within you".
Now that we have reached our soul (the ME), this infinite energy frequency should be "visible" to us. Visibility is not through the body but through the soul (the ME). Remember our journey is not a "physical" one (the Body).
We should be now ready to tap into this energy. At this moment of time we are free from all the guilt feelings and have made peace with our soul (the ME).
However to tune in to the infinite love energy that is just flowing in front of us and which is just only figuratively speaking few "milimeters" away from us, we will need to do only one last thing and that's to be adjust our energy vibrations (the ME) to be in hormony with this infinite love energy or God.
As we now have searched and found the infinite love energy, what we now need to do is to tune with it. This is done by adjusting our energy vibration with that of God (infinite love energy). This is what we call making peace with God.
In our previouse step we have been able to reach the ME (soul) and being in peace with it (thus becoming one with it). However during this third step we will try to unite the ME (our soul) with it's creator. That is to say we will try to adjust the energy vibrations of the ME (soul) with that of God (infinite pure love energy). The ME (soul) is part of this infinite energy which is the source of everything and the binding force of the whole universe (God). The only way to tap into this energy or communicate with it is by vibrating at the same frequency as it. In order to tune in to this frequency vibration, we should be able to understand what it is.
As we have mentioned before God is nothing but the most purest form of love. Unconditional love. In order to tune or communicate with it our soul (the ME) should also be vibrating to this frequency.
Tuning to the energy with this love frequency is very simple. As at this moment we are one with the soul (the ME), we should be able to "fill it in" with emotions of love. Start by loving your worst enemy. Enemy for example that had killed even your beloved one. Can you do that ? Love every single living and non living thing unconditionally. Feel it. I repeat, love every single person, whether of different race, religion, sex, status, sick or not, disabled or not, hates you or not, loves you or not, ugly, beautiful etc., etc., UNCONDITIONALLY. Love every single creature whether dangerouse, friendly, ugly, etc., etc., UNCONDITIONALLY. Love everything and the universe UNCONDITIONALLY. Because we and everything else in the universe are made of and are interconnected through this this infinite energy. And this energy is unconditional love energy. If you really want to have access to this ultimate powerful energy and utilize it this is all you have to do. Point.
Fill your heart, mind and soul only with love. Not a single hate or whatever sort of negative energy should be there.Deep from your heart forgive everyone who had done evil to you. Mean it Beacuse you will never be able to cheat yourself if it's not from your heart. You can't cheat your soul (the ME) because it's you. Love and forgive those who hate you, want to harm you or destroy you. Love and forgive them from your heart. Feel it deep down in your soul. Love and forgive those who had caused you unimaginable and unforgivable suffering. By forgiving the unforgivable and by loving the unlovable, your soul (the ME, the real you) will start now adjusting it's energy vibrations to match to that of the infinite love energy (God).
At this moment of time you have reached a state where you are in peace with yourself (the ME) and with the infinite love energy (God). There is nothing now between you and the infinite force. You are now completely open, honest and "naked" to this infinite force. No secrets, no nothing. The ME (soul) is now totally at peace with this infinite force. You are now one with God. Your heart, mind and soul now is filled with pure love. At this moment of time nothing can make you hate someone or something. Your are now only filled with love. You are sourronded by love. You will feel as if you are swming in love. You will feel you are made of love. You will experience only positive emotions, joy and happiness. Because you yourself are love. This is when you become one with the creator or the pure love energy. Once you are in this state you are ready to communicate with and untilize this infinite love energy (God).
Phase 3 - Communicate
We have used the techniques used in phase 1 and 2 to search, locate and tune to the ultimate force of this universe (God). Now that we have located and tuned to it's frequency, it's time communicate and utilize it.
In fact in some of the great religions of this world the process ends just on phase 2. Where mostly the goal is to be in a state of one with the creator and nothing else. However we could also go further and communicate and untilise this energy. That's our free choice. There are no laws that say that we should stop here or go no further. We have the freedom. Whatever we can imagine is our to take. Everything depends on what we would like to achieve.
Therefore if communicating and untilizing this ultimate force is our desire than we just should do it. It's like the a lake, sea or river. Some people love to just to watch it. Other like to surf on it. Other like to sail on it. SOme like to drink from it. Other like to wash their cloth on it. etc. etc., There are no rules. This infinite enregy is out there and we have the free will to do whatever we want with it Like the great religions of this world say -. God doesn't force us to come to him. He has given us the free will.
Communicating and utilizing with this ultimate energy force is very very simple. Once we are on the states of phase 1 and 2 we can already start communicating. Communication is done through will power and nothing else. You don't need to know specific old languages or chant special magic words to communicate with God (ultimate love energy). You only need to have the strong WILL power to want something.
Once you have tuned to the energy just express your wish. Express in any way, what you want. That's all. You could visualise it. You could say it loud. You could think it. You could feel it. It doesn't matter. As the ME (the real you) is now one with the infinite energy any thing that you WANT or DESIRE, it already known by the infinite power. It's even known before you even started to say it through you mouth. The process of WANTING is the process of comunicating. We should WANT or DESIRE something to trigger an energy flow from the ME outwords to the infinite power. Remember the ME and the infinite power are united now (remember phase 2).The WANTING and the DESIRE are energy flactuations and nothing else. We could still be in a united state with the creator without wanting anything. Then we do not need to move on to phase 3. However if we would like to trigger a communication we have to "push the radio button and speak with the other side". This is done by triggereing certain energy flactuations. Those flactuations are our emotions. Our strong desire to want somthing will cause the energy flactuation from the ME to interact with the infinite energy. Our strong desire to heal ourslelves will trigger a strong energy flactuation. The principle is simple. You want something badly you will trigger a stronger energy flactuations within the infinite energy.
However when communicating just follow the basic three simple principles:
1 - Ensure not to break the communication by staying tuned
Ensure you are in that states of phase 1 and 2. For example trying to ask /want or wish someone or something evil will immediatly break the communication with this pure love energy. Therefore the only way to ensure communication stays intack is to fill want or desire something positive. Any negative wishes will casue the ME disconnect the communication. That's why this energy cannot be used to gain power over someone else. For example to win a war, to make someone ill, to cause distraction of something etc., As this energy is the unlimate pure love energy, you won't be able to untilize it for negative purpose. You can use it to help others, for example to heal the sick, to bring peace, to be protect your beloved ones from harms way, to ask for any advice in your every day business and personal life. To heal yourself .. etc., etc., In fact any help or advice as long as it has no evil or negative intentions.
2 - Ensure to send a strong signal
One can have several wants. This might cause several small signals with no focus. Weak signals or energy flactuation will have weak impacts. It is important that you want something very badly. The more and the stronger the emotion in wanting something the stronger the flactuation gets and greater the results.
3 - Ensure to complete the communication signal
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